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8-2. Schematic Diagram m : ii ET BOARD FWE : MAIM PWB-MAIN 33004-118-031 I- "I I I I NOTE Ic60 1 uPC1406H4 mu? cmlm f PWB-TRANSM ITTER- Kc CT-63!iW CTd!dEW LOC kiV1 127VI I A.49 16X-F 1EWF bj hlrl y,) /J IIll. ti,' c257 4.7UF 0 1uF RESISTOR Carbon M ml Composltlon a3 Metal Oxide m' Metal Film WC Fusible PWB-CRT I CRT 25V. A63LAVllX 27V A68AEG2OXOl \ I" / WF7 WF8 WFll / TO FBT tT4441 WFlO PWB-TRANSMITTER1 WF22 < I I I 1 I I ' f : OPTION FUNCTION 'WB-TRANSMITTERM WF12 WF2 1 ,)/ WF22 Y I I I I ' I f : OPTION FUNCTION P W B - POWER 33004-118-041 8-2. Schematic Diagram I BASIC MODEL : CT-6335W/CT-6B35W CT-6336W/CT-6B36W r - CHASSIS : K52A2 BOARD NAME : POWER & DEFLECTION MODEL : TXC25 15/27 16 TXC25 16/27 16 OPTION (PINCIJWI ~-W-. WF2 IPIION FOR 2N VCU?#ICNCIRCUIT) IP `t -..-. -_--- ..-- Ij HOT ' Fz WF3 I I I I I r HOT

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